Friday, November 5, 2010

Grp 3 Composition

One day, Amanda was free after school so she decided to go to the school library to read. Reading was her hobby and she loved to browse the book shelves. She wore a black jacket to keep herself warm because the library was cold. Whenever she saw an interesting book, she flipped the pages to see what it was about. She could spend hours reading in the library. Once she had found a nice book, she went to a library table to read it.

Just as she was about to open the book and flip it to the first page, she noticed something whitewas protruding from in between the pages. It was cream colored, and she pulled the envelop out. It was a little heavy, and looked very detailed. But there was no name on the front of the envelop. She was shocked and surprised, nothing like this had every happened to her before. She lifted it above her head to see if the light would pass through the envelop, but the paper was so thick that it gave her no clue what was inside. "Oh dear, should I open it?" Amanda thought, feeling very curious but also worried that it was private and not good for her to do so.

In the end, Amanda decided to open the envelop so that at least she could try and find out who it belongs to. Inside, there was a letter. As she unfolded it, a pretty and delicate gold necklace dropped out. It looked very expensive. Amanda's heart beat loudly from her excitement. She unfolded the letter. The handwriting was neat, but it was cursive so she did not know how to read the name it was addressed to.

Amanda was tempted to keep the letter and the necklace because ti was so pretty, but decided to do the right thing. She brought the letter and the necklace to the head librarian, who kept it in the lost and found box. The librarian made an announcement to the whole school, and soon, Ms. Wong, one of the English teachers, quickly arrived at the library. She identified the envelop and necklace as her own, and thanked Amanda many times. She had accidentally left it in the book when she had returned it, and had been looking for it ever since. It was a letter and gift from her mother for her birthday. Amanda's heart glowed with pleasure, glad that she did the right thing.

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