Thursday, November 4, 2010

Group 1 Brainstorming

(i) the ending for the story
- She found a letter containing $1000 worth of cash
- She decided to tell the librarian
- It belonged to a man who had planned to use the money to pay for his mother's hospitalization fees.
- He was very grateful towards Sally.
- Sally had done a good deed.

(ii) interesting phrases that can be used for each picture frame
Frame 1:
- an encyclopaedia on the shelf caught her eye

Frame 2:
- flipped excitedly through the book
- something white peeking out from the book

Frame 3:
- fought an internal struggle
- cautiously opened the envelop

(iii) how the four picture frames can be smoothly linked
We can talk about how she found the book and how she sat down with the book. Also, we can describe how she thought about the envelop before opening it.

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