Friday, November 5, 2010

Group 5: Composition

It was a beautiful and breezy Saturday morning. Sally went back to school library to gather some information for her coming Science project. It was still early and hence the library was deserted. Sally used the search engine to find the location of the books that she needed. Soon, she came to the reference section. She browsed through the books on the shelves and tried to locate the suitable book. She took a book out of the shelf and flipped through the pages. “What a pity! This is not the book that I want although there are many nice pictures inside,” Sally thought. She then put the book back to the shelf and continued her searching journey. Suddenly, she saw a book named ‘Science Encyclopedia’ and she took it out of its place. She read a few pages and found that was the book she needed.

Gladly, she went to her seat with the book. As she was reading the book paying full attention, suddenly, her eyes were caught in attention by the book. Something seemed kept secretly in the book! With big curiosity, she took the thing out cautiously. It was a white envelope and it was sealed!

“Hmm..What is it inside here? Is there any secret?” Sally, driven by her curiosity, was tempted to open the envelope. However, she knew it was impolite to open the envelope without the permission of the owner, hence she was struggling and having a mind battle whether to open the envelope to find out what was inside it or not. She tried to put it under the light to see whether she can trace anything. She also avoided being tempted to open it by putting it away from her sight; yet she was unable to resist the temptation and finally she opened the envelope with inquisitiveness.

It was a paper! To be more accurate, it was a journal written by a person named Mandy. To her surprise, she was horrified by that Mandy saying that she felt unhappy and frustrated by her friends’ bullying. She also mentioned that she had faced family problem recently, her parents wanted to divorce. Sally was so sympathized with the girl, Mandy, and would like to help her but she was clueless what could she do. After a long thought, she decided to ask the help from adults and she approached the librarian, Auntie Lucy. Auntie Lucy, after realizing what had happened, told Sally she would alert the school and the counselor to investigate. She praised Sally for her kindness and her prompt action. Sally felt joyful as she did a good deed today.

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