Friday, November 5, 2010

Group 1 Composition

The Discovery

One Sunday morning, Sally went to the Bishan Community Library to find some books for her school project. She went to the third floor of the library and walked up and down the shelves and shelves of books and browsed through them in search of a relevant book. A thick encyclopaedia sitting on one of the shelves caught her eye and she picked it up. She flipped through the encyclopaedia and decided that she could use it for her project. Thus, she brought the book back to her seat.

Upon sitting down, Sally started to flip excitedly through the book as she was eager to get some ideas for her project. She was flipping and reading and flipping and reading when suddenly, she spotted something white peeking out from the top of the book. Curious, Sally closed the book and looked at the top of it to find out what it was. It was a white envelop! Sally did not know what the envelop contained and out of curiosity, she cautiously lifted the envelop out from the pages of the encyclopaedia. The envelop was thick and it was not sealed. Sally did not know what to do with it. She did not want to open it, as she did not know who the envelop belonged to. However, she was curious to find out what was inside the envelop. She fought an internal struggle, as she tried all ways to find out what was inside it without opening it. Eventually, her curiosity got the better of her and she cautiously opened the flap of the envelop.

There was a stack of $50 notes in the envelop! This surprised Sally and she did not know what to do with the money. She started thinking of all the things she could buy with the money. However, she remembered her mother telling her that she must be truthful and not take what does not belong to her. With that, she decided to bring the envelop to the librarian on the first floor. The librarian informed her that a man had called to report a loss of his envelop as he had accidentally slotted the envelop in the book when he returned it. The man came down to the library to retrieve his envelop and he was very grateful towards Sally as the money was meant to pay for his mother's hospitalization fees. Sally was happy that she had done a good deed and she went home happily.

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