Friday, November 5, 2010

group 4 - composition

One day, Anne went to the library after school. She needed to find information for her Science project. She walked and walked along the shelves in the library to find the encyclopedia that she needed. Then, she saw the encyclopedia that she needed. She took it, and walked around the library to find an empty seat.

When Anne found an empty seat, she sat down and continued reading the encyclopedia. Suddenly, she turned to a page and saw a thin envelop. She was curious, so she took it out and tried to see if she can opened it. But it was glued too tightly. She holded the envelop up to the light. She thought, "Maybe I can see it better with the light." But she still cannot see anything. In the end, she decided to open the letter. A piece of paper with glowing cursive words fell out. Anne felt very surprised. She picked up the paper and read it. It was a letter from an alien from Satun and this alien wanted to be friends with Earth children. Anne quickly found a piece of paper and she wrote a letter back to the Alien. She putted her letter back at the page where she found Milyuij's, the alien's, letter. Then, she quickly read the rest of the encyclopedia so that she can do her Science project. After that, Anne left the library. The next day, Anne came back to the library and she found that Milyuij replied her letter! They continued to write letter to each other. In the end, Anne was overjoyed that she had an alien friend. She and Milyuij promised each other to be best friends forever.


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