Thursday, November 4, 2010

Group 2 Brainstorming

(i) the ending for the story
1) The girl will find a love letter for her friend from a secret admirer
2) There is nothing in the envelop!
3) there is a picture of her teacher in the book.

(ii) interesting phrases that can be used for each picture frame
Frame 1: The library was as quiet as a church
- books lined on the shelves as far as the eye can see
- The girl had found a fascinating book
Frame 2: there was something wedged between the pages of the big heavy book
Frame 3: after thinking very hard, the girl decided to open the envelop
her heart was beating very hard

(iii) how the four picture frames can be smoothly linked
we can describe her actions, first walking from the shelves with her chosen book, then trying her best to decide whether to open the envelop, and when she opens the envelop, she can walk to her friend to show her the letter.

1 comment:

  1. We like the third ending the best! Maybe the photograph can be a funny photograph about the teacher?

    The second ending doesn't seem to have much to write about! Don't use it!
