Friday, November 5, 2010

Group 2 Composition

It was a hot and sunny day, so Mei Ling decided to go to the library to read a book. The library was nice and cool, and since she had to wait for her friend to finish her CCA, she might as well wait in the comfort of the library. The books lined up the shelves as far as the eye could see, and she decided to find an encyclopaedia on the solar system.

She browsed the books until she found one that had very nice pictures. She brought the book to a library table to sit and read it. As she was opening the book, she noticed something white protruding from between the pages. Curious, she pulled it out. It was an envelop! There was no name written on the front of the envelop, and it was not sealed. "Should I open this envelop?" Mei Ling thought, frowning. She tried seeing what was inside by holding it above her head to see if she could see the outline of the envelop's contents. It looked like a piece of paper.

Finally, Mei Ling's curiously got the best of her, and she decided to open the envelop. She cautiously lifted the envelop cover, and saw a photograph inside. "I wonder who this belongs to?" she said to herself, taking it out. It was a picture of Mrs Tan and her family! Mrs Tan was her science teacher in Primary 2. Quickly, Mei Ling put the picture back in the envelop, and left the library. She went to the teacher's office, and asked to see Mrs Tan. She returned the photo back to Mrs Tan, who thanked her and gave Mei Ling a sweet. Mei Ling went home that day with a big smile on her face.

1 comment:

  1. We like your composition! No spelling mistakes and no grammatical errors. Maybe you can describe the photograph more?
