Thursday, November 4, 2010

Grp 3 Brainstorming Ideas

(1) What do you think happened at the end?

We think that the girl will find a love letter and a ring inside the envelop. She will report it to the librarian to put the envelop in the lost and found. The librarian will make an annoucement in school for the owner of the envelop to find her, using the names in the letter.

(2) Some interesting phrases we can use:

1 picture: loves to read, browsed the endless shelves, wore a jacket to keep warm in the cold library
2 picture: something white protruded from the book. she was shocked and surprised! nothing like this had ever happened to her before.
3 picture: pretty and delicate, and looked very expensive. the writing was neat and cursive.
4 picture: tempted but decided to do the right thing. heart glowed with pleasure

(3) what are some ways we can use to help make the transition between pictures smooth?
we can talk about the action of the girl moving from place to place, instead of making it seem like she's teleported by just describing each picture. we can write more detail about her clothes and the surroundings.

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